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equal chain

  • What is the difference between traditional blockchain and Islamic blockchain?

    The main difference between traditional blockchain and Islamic blockchain lies in their adherence to Sharia principles.

    Traditional Blockchain
    • Focus on decentralization: The primary goal is to create a system without a central control authority.
    • Technological focus: Emphasizes the technical aspects such as security, scalability, and transaction speed.
    • Wide range of applications: Used in various fields, from finance to logistics.
    • May include elements that conflict with Sharia
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  • Equal Finance creates an innovative blockchain

    Equal Finance creates an innovative blockchain

    Equal Finance develops an innovative blockchain that complies with the principles of Sharia law.

    Equal Finance has achieved a significant milestone in the world of Islamic finance by introducing its own blockchain that is fully in line with the principles of Sharia law. The new blockchain is designed to provide a reliable and transparent platform for financial transactions, eliminating any tools that are prohibited by Islamic law.

    Key Features of the New Blockch
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